Thursday, December 17, 2020

How to Create new custom Web ADI in Oracle Apps

Hello Friends, Today I am going to show you hoe to create new custom Web ADI in oracle apps. 1) Assign the "Desktop Integration" responsibility to your user.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Web ADI Error While Downloading Excel file :

WebADI Run-time error'1004' Method 'VBProject' of object '_Workbook' failed
Root Cause of the Error
MS Excel not enabled for trusted access to VBA Project Object Model
How to reproduce the error?
1. Navigate to General Ledger responsibility > Journals > Launch Journal Wizard
2. Select the Layout = 'Functional Actuals Single' and Content = 'None', and hit button 'Create Document'
3. WebADI Excel spreadsheet will be downloaded on your desktop
4. Open the file and error appears
For MS Excel 2010:
1. Go to File > Options > Trust Center
2. Bit the button 'Trust Center Settings'
3. Click the checkbox 'Trust access to VBA project object model' 
4. Now retry opening the WebADI spreadsheet and the error will not appear.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

How to Create Dialogue Page or Pop up window in OA Framework

How to Create Dialogue Page or Pop up window in OA Framework

Today I will show you how can we create a dialogue page in OAF. For example we have a page with apply button, On Apply button, We want to show dialogue page which will display message as " Do you really want to save the record?" with Cancel or Proceed button on it. When user click on Proceed then data should get saved into the table and if clicks on cancel then it should not save the record.
XXAP_SAVE DATA is fnd_message created in oracle apps which will store values as "Do you really want to save the record?"

CO Code:

if ("Apply"!=null)
OAException descMesg =  new OAException("XXAP", "XXAP_SAVE DATA", null, OAException.WARNING, null);
OADialogPage dialogPage = new OADialogPage(OAException.WARNING, descMesg,null, "", "");


                 // if user clicks Apply button, then record will save
             if (pageContext.getParameter("ProceedYes") != null)
                // if user clicks No button, then it will rollback the transaction.
             else if (pageContext.getParameter("CancelYes") != null)

AM Code:

                    public void rollbackChanges()
                    public void SaveChanges()